Innovation Fields


Sophisticated software solutions for national and European organizations and authorities have been the focus of our project work and product development ever since our company was founded.

With Experience

The European Commission, Publications Office, European Central Bank, and other subordinate authorities in Brussels and Luxembourg, as well as the Council and Parliament of the European Union, all count among our longstanding customers in the innovation fields of Document Life Cycle and Digital Security.

For Laws

The entire life cycle of European Union and German laws is significantly facilitated by DIaLOGIKa. The reason? The legal experts responsible for drafting, editing, approving, and finally, publishing legislative text – at the EU level, within the German federal government, and in many German federal state ministries – are using our solutions.

For Security

Our solutions in the innovation field of Telecom Data Request/ Provision Procedure support security agencies and government institutions in fighting and investigating crime. Insurance authorities rely on our know-how in the area of Digital Security. We support international organizations with sophisticated safeguards.


Areas of Activity

Our staff understand your business! They meet your challenges with solid IT knowledge and many years of experience serving clients within your industry.

Let’s invent software


Have we got you interested? Then let’s get together to invent solutions and create effective products and projects. Interested in…

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About us

DIaLOGIKa GmbH creates customized software solutions for national and international clients. Our work focuses on the innovation fields of Telecom Data Request / Provision Procedure, Telecommunications, Document Life Cycle, Digital Security, Embedded Systems, Green Mobility, and Safeguards.

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Pascalschacht 1,
66125 Saarbrücken, DE

+49 6897 935-0+49 6897 935-100